The holiday season is upon us, which means it's also phishing season. In 2016, fraud attempts during the holiday season spiked by 31 percent

Here are some tips to keep your wallet safe while shopping online this Christmas:

Take the Scenic Route

It's important to pay close attention to each link before clicking. An easy way to avoid a "bad" link is to hover over hyperlinks in webpages and emails – this will show where the link is directing you before you click.

Always take the extra second and look at the address bar to see what site you’re on. Does the web address match what you were looking for?  If something seems questionable, navigate directly to that company’s website through a search engine instead of clicking on the links provided. 

Be Watchful for "Shipping Status" Malware

Be wary of emails with vague wording about your recent order being delayed. With countless online orders being shipped throughout the holiday season, fake shipping notifications usually increase. 

Recognize Typos

Phishing links are known to have typos, so closely examine URLs or promotional emails before clicking on them. If you find obvious typos in a promotional email from a retailer, or misspelled URLs and email addresses, do not click on the link. Report the email as spam or block the sender. 

Be Cautious of Fake Surveys

Look out for survey emails from unknown companies with promises of money or gift cards in exchange for completion. The surveys can gather personal information which can be used for more advanced phishing attacks. A huge red flag should be raised if they directly ask you for bank details or credit card information. 

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