Refinancing your auto loan with Great Lakes Credit Union can put extra cash in your pocket every month. When you bring us your current auto loan from another lender, we’ll crunch the numbers. More often than not, we can cut that monthly auto payment down to size. It only takes a few minutes to find out how much you could be saving. Members who refinance with us save an average of $2,243 over the life of the loan.1 Find out what we can do for you!

Is it the right time to refinance your auto loan? Click here to learn more!

Benefits include:

  • Low loan rates
  • Get up to 0.50% APR* discount on your vehicle loan! Learn More

Click here to submit or verify what insurance is needed for your new auto loan from GLCU.

ATTENTION: GLCU Members with Vehicle Loans (Auto, Boat, RV, Truck)
Please contact your vehicle's insurance agent to update your vehicle's insurance policy to include GLCU's NEW lienholder address:

Great Lakes Credit Union
PO Box 2238
Sioux City, IA 51104

We do not currently offer ATV, dirt bikes, side-by-sides (SxS), or jet ski financing.


View Current Rates

Effective Date: Thursday, December 26, 2024

Vehicle Loan Rates

Vehicle TypeTerm in MonthsAPR* as low as

New (2021 & Newer)

48 or Less1.74%

Used (2020 & Older)

48 or Less2.24%

*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Actual rate based on credit history, income, vehicle model year, mileage, and other factors. Rates include discounts for maintaining a Free Checking Account and automatic payment in accordance with this promotion. Payment example: A 60-month new auto loan of $20,000 with an APR of 1.740% will result in a monthly payment of $348.31.

1 Average savings example is based on a $35,000 loan amount, a 60-month loan term and an interest rate of 4.12% APR, refinanced to GLCU’s 1.74% APR.